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Your home's vital systems and functions

DoorScore’s proactive maintenance reminders and monthly maintenance To-Do’s help you inspect, maintain and certify your home’s structure and mechanical systems.


All homes, regardless of age, need regular care and maintenance. Just like an automobile, regular care and maintenance ensure your home’s critical structural and operating systems perform as designed and, over time, preserve and increase in value.  

Each month members receive a simple home maintenance To-Do’s guiding them to Inspect, Maintain and Certify the home’s structure and operating systems. These proactive assessments reduce the risk of structural and system failure, water intrusion and costly losses.  


If during an assessment, issues that need attention are found, DoorScore’s Home ConciergeTM is available to help guide you through corrective actions and provide support. 

The record of this monthly assessment is stored in the home’s Property LockerTM where property details, records, enhancement ideas and support are found.
