Maintain. Certify. $ave.

Get a Score for Your Door

A 5-Star DoorScore CertificationTM will reduce your annual homeowner’s insurance costs by up to 20%* and increase your home’s value by up to 5%.** Follow the simple monthly maintenance To-Do’s to Inspect, Maintain and Certify the critical components of your home.

  • maintain

    Complete simple monthly maintenance tasks

  • locker

    Claim your home's Property LockerTM

  • certification

    Get a DoorScore CertificationTM

  • ownership

    Reduce the cost of ownership and enhance your home's value

*Estimated savings of up to $400/year. Savings based on dwelling coverage of $450,000 with a $2000 annual premium.
**Estimated value enhancement of $20,000. Based upon the US Median average sales price of $417,700 Q42023.


Your home's vital systems and functions

DoorScore’s proactive maintenance reminders and monthly maintenance To-Do’s help you inspect, maintain and certify your home’s structure and mechanical systems.




Your Property LockerTM is a secured location storing your home's history and records of ongoing maintenance and improvements.



Your home to a 5-Star DoorScore CertificationTM

A 5-Star Certification ensures lower homeowners insurance premiums and increases your home's market value.


Save Money

Reduce the cost of homeownership, insurance premiums and repairs

DoorScore's premium membership provides direction to reduce insurance costs and support in avoiding costly repairs.
